[Who We Are Title]

Classic Yacht Regatta, Antigua 2005 April 18 Monday

Light winds again. This race is the Canon which is meant to be a fast reaching race. But, for Avrion light winds just don't help. We needed to tack just before the mark as did several others. Flew just about everything but the code zero on the southbound leg and just the main and genoa on the northbound legs.

After the race back to the marina then Kelly joined us for a swim at the villa. Dinner at Trappas and we stopped by Tim Write's dockside pavillion to see if he got any good photos of Avrion. There are a couple but his prices are a bit high.


[Sunrise from the Villa] [Sunrise from the Villa] [Sunrise from the Villa] [Sunrise from the Villa]
[Lined up to Start] [Canon Race] [Canon Race] [Canon Race] [Canon Race]
[Canon Race] [Canon Race] [Canon Race] [Canon Race] [Canon Race]
[Ranger] [Ranger] [Ranger] [Velsheda] [Canon Race]
[Velsheda and Windrose] [Velsheda and Windrose] [Velsheda] [Velsheda and Windrose] [Velsheda]
[Velsheda] [Velsheda] [Windrose] [Velsheda and Windrose] [Canon Race]
[A Carriacou Sloop] [Velsheda and Windrose] [Velsheda and Windrose] [Velsheda and Windrose] [Velsheda and Windrose]
[Cannon Race] [Back in the Marina]


Last modified: 2011 Oct 29 1729:59 UTC